Readers’ Corner

This section is dedicated to you, the readers!

An author writes but without readers, well, it’s just ink on paper or digital space. Readers give it life. Here is "the life" you gave to my poetry books:

~Your Words Your Love~

Written with love and brimming with hope

This is a wonderful collection of Christian poems that really speak to the heart. It is easy to see that these poems are written with love, and God’s love is made evident in every one. Each poem could also be described as a short story. One of my favorites, LOVE, tells a very personal story from the author’s life.  Absolutely gorgeous photos, all taken by the author, accompany each poem.

Another poem, A CALL TO WAR, is about spiritual warfare and praying to the Father for others.  The phrase “put on your armor,” evokes Ephesians 6:10-18 about putting on the armor of God, which includes righteousness, truth, readiness, and faith.

Nature is prevalent in this collection, and not just in the beautiful photos.  An animal is used in another one of my favorites, PORCUPINES. God’s love of all of his creation really shines through. This collection with introduce God to those who haven’t met Him, and if you already know Him, it will bring you closer to Him than ever before.

Written with love and brimming with hope, this collection will bring comfort, joy, and inspiration to the reader.

— Bonnie D – December 9, 2024 
Bonnie Reads and Writes blog


Profound poetry

I loved the first three books in Louise Belanger’s poetry collection, and I couldn't wait for the fourth book to be released. I've read them all now, and I am even more amazed by her talent, the richness of her poetry, and the breathtaking beauty of her photographs.

While reading each poem, Louise’s pure and unrelenting devotion shines through so brilliantly with every phrase, every single word. There are poems where the author’s undeniable strength lifted me up beyond my own. Then there were poems, ‘There’s Room’, ‘The Box’, “…Only Believe…”, where I found myself creating my own interpretations because the words touched me so very deeply and personally that I felt it right into my soul.

I treasure these books and always keep them close, so I can read them again whenever I find the need. I highly recommend the entire collection!

Gail Meath Author – November 24, 2024



Your Words Your Love is the fourth book in Louise Bélanger’s Your Words series of books.

The author has a unique style of combining amazingly beautiful images with breathtaking poetry.

Illustrated with stunning photographs, this collection is a celebration of flowers, trees, and scenes from nature.

This book is filled with poems that will inspire, comfort, cheer, and help bring you closer to God.

Some of my favorites include First glance, which tells the story of Christ’s first miracle at the wedding at Cana - There’s room, a work that reminds us that Christ has made room in heaven for us which I found ironic since there was no room for Him when he was born - Hand in hand, a poem that wonderfully expresses dying to yourself and letting God lead – and Forty times, a powerful reflection that Jesus would have even forgiven the Roman who scourged Him.

The standout for me is the concluding piece of prose which is titled, The love languages. Anyone who has ever read Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages will appreciate the special way that Louise Bélanger explores God’s love languages.

I recommend that this volume be read devotionally with reflection and prayer. Delve into the hidden depths of a Christ followers’ heart and embark on a poetic pilgrimage with Your Words Your Love, a remarkable treasure that will ignite your soul and leave you yearning for a deeper connection with Jesus Christ.

— James Collins – January 1, 2025 
James Collins  (

~Your Words Your Heart~

Beauty in bloom

Louise Bélanger’s Your Words Your Heart is a remarkable mix of photography and poetry. It is a book which should be savored like a fine meal. So, put away all distractions and journey into Louise’s world of floral and biblical imagery. The poems are captivating and insightful. “Which One Are You” contrasts the 10 lepers whom Christ healed with people today who are “too busy with selfies…” “Which are you? Are you part of the 9 who always has better things to do…” Another standout is “Dew” where the author beautifully compares the dew that falls each morning with God’s grace. The photos are amazing. Bélanger is a master artist who captures the depth and luminosity of a single flower to lush bouquets with breathtaking intimacy. Your Words Your Heart is a book you should surely read. Then, when you soul needs a pick me up, read it again.

— James Collins – January 2, 2024 
James Collins  (


Beautiful poetry

This is a lovely book of beautiful poetry and nature photography. The images are compelling and show nature in a range of images throughout the year. They are well chosen to accompany the poems alongside them.
The poems are filled with faith and hope. They vary in tone and are often both uplifting and joyful. The poems are also thoughtful and make the reader think as they read.

Izzy – November 21, 2023


Another beautiful collection of poems and photographs

“Your soul can rest at the end of the day
And the echo you hear is love from your heartbeats”

The sun can warm one
The Son can heal the other”

“The world sees
Your reflection
On the water of our hearts”

Another beautiful collection of poems and photographs by Louise. These were great and I loved the themes centered around one’s heart. These are excellent reminders to be kind in how you treat others and to examine your heart because we are a reflection of the Almighty God. These poems had a nice maturity about them and I could feel the beauty of nature around me, like a reminder of growth and rejuvenation healing and rebirth. We see these beautiful reminders all around us and Louise parallels them with our heart in a really creative way. The love and grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus are present in this wonderful collection. My favorite ones are Who Wins?, Reflection, and Yet You Didn’t. Definitely recommended for poetry lovers who yearn for something to stir their own heart and soul.

Wade Martin – October 21, 2022

~Your Words Your World~

Christian poems and photographs that bring us closer
to God and nature

Your Words Your World is a beautiful collection of poetry, photographs, and story poems about God and the world He created, and the second book of poems by Louise Bélanger. It helps the reader look at the world in a new way.

Among my favorite poems is Ordinary, about how God can take something ordinary, like a star or a body of water, and make it do extraordinary things. I also loved Dust, which reminds us that God created us all from something we don’t really like–dust. A War Erupted paints a beautiful and tumultuous picture of a thunderstorm. The Contest is a thought-provoking story poem about a conversation between flowers. Zoom to Heaven is probably my favorite of all, as it talks about what it would be like to have a Zoom conversation with a loved one in Heaven.

Your Words Your World takes a unique look at God and the world He created, and it makes me appreciate Him and this world all the more.

The photographs of nature throughout the book are gorgeous and mesmerizing, and they make perfect companions to the poems.

— Bonnie D – July 10, 2021 
Bonnie Reads and Writes blog


Another beautiful collection of poems

“With all the colors in the world
The infinite combinations
Hidden inside”

“God, is there a place?
Where Your Spirit
Takes more room, and I kind of

“And occasionally
God lifts the veil
And we see such beauty…”

Another beautiful collection of poems and photography by Louise. I love the mixture of poems that revolve around nature, God’s creation and people, God’s love and grace, and how it all intertwines together. Some of my favorite poems include “Ordinary,” “Gems In Heaven,” “Promises”, “More Than Just”, “A War Erupted,” and “The Most Beautiful Love Poem.” This wonderful collection of poems is ultimately uplifting and hopefully will draw you closer to the beauty of God. At least, that is what it did for me.

Wade Martin – September 17, 2021


A captivating book of poetry & photography

Ordinarily, I do not read poetry books, but after reading the author’s first book, Your Words, I simply had to read her new release. Like the first book, within the captivating cover and among the garden of the author’s talented photography, are some of most beautiful, insightful and spiritual poems. As I began reading them, I found myself so drawn into the words and meanings, I’ve since read each one several times, with a few clinging to my mind long after I finished. Like a great novel, each poem paints such a vivid picture that captures all of the senses, sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, along with diving much deeper beyond the senses. I am truly stunned by the author’s talent and ability to write a few stanzas that come alive and touch your heart. I highly recommend reading this beautiful book of poetry.

Gail Meath Author – July 10, 2021

~Your Words~

Touching and heartfelt poetry

This is a beautiful book of poetry that touches the soul in so many ways. The author’s strong faith shines through in each poem and short story with gentleness and hope, especially in emotional poems about sickness, seclusion, death. Her love for nature does so much more than paint an intricate picture in your mind. Through an unbelievable photographic talent, she captures beautiful images for your eyes. I lost a loved one this week and searched for the perfect poem to read at the service. I found it in, Through Me. The book is inspiring, extremely well written and I highly recommend it.

Gail Meath Author – February 18, 2021


A beautiful collection of poems, a story, and photographs 

“From Your hand to mine You flow through
Words You already had arranged”

“When all you do is put out fires instead of building
You will keep running with water in your hand”

“I will again…dance to music with no care in the world!
I will again…”

These were written in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic so you can feel the pain and isolation in Louise’s words...words that could easily be our words too. I was reading the Psalms the same time as Your Words and there are similarities in the pain, the questioning, but most importantly, the praise and celebration of God. Good poems conjure up emotions and Your Words will do that. Well done, Louise!

— Wade Martin – February 5, 2021


 Running throughout the book is a clear thread of hope

This is an earnest, heartfelt book of poems that feel like modern-day psalms. Louise doesn't hide the pain she has experienced or her anger at the pandemic, but running throughout the book is a clear thread of hope. Even though we are going through some dark days, she has faith in her Creator to see things through. The book is also beautifully illustrated with numerous photographs of flowers. If you're looking for something to pick you up, or you know someone who does, this book is a great option to consider.

Kevin Miller Award-Winner Author and Filmmaker – December 23, 2020